Rachel ​Galperin


Writer. Poet. Journalist

Silver Stars Illustration
Silver Stars Illustration

About Rachel

Rachel is a former TV Casting Producer turned ​writer, poet, and journalist. She has written for a ​number of publications including The Ground ​Magazine, Folks: A Pillpack Magazine, Spark, You-​Aligned, The Bolde, and Elderly Magazine. When ​she’s not writing Rachel stays busy as a content ​creator and runs a food blog called Food by ​Rachel.

In her free time she enjoys studying herbalism, ​reading, creating delicious recipes and playing ​with her family’s dogs.

REcipe Development ​Con’t


 “Why The Author of ‘Sick’ is Angry About ​Coronavirus”, Folks; A Pillpack Magazine: An ​Interview with Porochista Khakpour (2020, ​now closed)

Interviews Con’t

"Out and Fabulous #1: SNL’s New Star - Kate ​McKinnon”, The Ground Magazine 

“How The Woman ‘Too Ugly’ To Be Online Used Selfies To ​Prove A Point About Disability ”, Folks: A Pillpack ​Magazine : An Interview with Melissa Blake (2021, now ​closed)

“Miranda Kerr: A True Angel”, The Ground ​Magazine

Watercolor Vintage Quill Pen
Sunny forest nature

Rachel Galperin

Writer. Poet. Journalist

Watercolor Ink Bottle and Feather Illustration

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